VAT Assessment, Appeals & penalties Review Services – “No Win no Fee basis”

Have you received a VAT assessment or a penalty notice? Should you challenge HMRC decisions? Get in touch with us today and let us help you!

If you have received a “VAT Notice of Assessment” or a “VAT penalty notice” then get in touch with us ASAP. We are specialists in VAT Assessment Notices Review and Appeal procedure and our primary aim is to offer a first class and cost efficient  vat assessments and appeals service to our clients.

It is highly likely for a VAT assessment to be raised in error. HMRC officers are also human beings therefore it is a possibility that they are not aware of all the rules all the times. It is also likely that HMRC officer may have misinterpreted the VAT rules in your case. In addition, it is very likely that HMRC officer raising the VAT assessment is not aware of all the facts that may have an impact on their decision or they have not followed the protocols to issue the VAT assessment in a proper manner.

As HMRC tries to maximize VAT and other indirect tax revenues in these challenging economic times. It is always in your interests that any VAT assessments and VAT penalty notices issued by HMRC are reviewed immediately by professional VAT advisors. Should your business have been unfortunate enough to land in such a situation, it is very important that you get the professional tax / VAT advisers involved at the earliest.

Serving since 2007, we at “proactive consultancy group” are a UK VAT specialist and have a proven success record of getting VAT assessments and penalties either reduced or withdrawn on behalf of our clients.

Most decisions of HM Revenue & Customs in the sphere of indirect tax can be applied for a review and appealed to the First-Tier Tax Tribunal (what was the VAT & Duties Tribunal); for instance:

  • Assessments for under-declared VAT;
  • VAT penalty notices;
  • The VAT liability of supplies (i.e. standard rated, zero rated or exempt);
  • Penalties for inaccuracies in VAT returns or surcharges for late returns;
  • Tariff classification of imported products;
  • Import valuation;
  • Customs duty reliefs and preferences.

No Upfront or Hidden fee, strictly “No win no Fee basis”

No Hidden or upfront costs as we only charge once the VAT assessment is cancelled or reduced by HMRC.

We understand that in such an unfortunate situation it is always difficult for businesses to put extra burden on its cash flows and hire a professional consultant. It becomes even more difficult in complex cases when you are up against some professional organizations such as HMRC and when it may be hard to predict success with certainty.  This is the reason we work on a “No win no fee basis” so that businesses can seek professional help from VAT experts such as ourselves without negatively impacting their cash flows.

Contact our VAT team now via email or call us on 0207 193 7072